Truck Accidents

If you have been seriously injured in a truck accident, your focus needs to be on recovery. However, while you work on healing, it is vital to have someone protecting your legal interests. Truck companies usually have large insurance policies, and the bigger the potential claim, the harder insurers work to minimize their payout to you. That’s where an experienced and determined personal injury attorney comes into play. When you have an aggressive legal advocate on your side, your chances of recovering maximum compensation increase significantly.

The Knowledge, Experience and Results Needed to Win Truck Accident Cases

At Chester Law Group Co. LPA, our attorneys have more than 190 years of combined legal experience. We focus solely on personal injury law and have successfully resolved numerous 18-wheeler truck accident claims. In fact, many of our settlements and verdicts have been in the millions. We have 20 office locations throughout Ohio, including our main office in Akron.

Due to the serious nature of tractor-trailer accidents, the federal government has imposed trucking industry regulations that must be followed by all truck companies, truck drivers and any involved third party. These regulations are meant to promote truck and truck driver safety. Unfortunately, these regulations are broken or ignored far too often. Our legal team has extensive knowledge of all applicable truck laws and is skilled in finding the causes of accidents and establishing liability.

We will leave no stone unturned as we investigate potential smoking guns such as:

Truck driver fatigue


Drunk driving

Mechanical failure

Improper maintenance checks

Failure to address known mechanical problems

Bad brakes

Unbalanced loads

The Number-One Mistake That Can Damage Your Truck Accident Claim

Did you know that the truck driver and the trucking company can destroy evidence that might help your case? The only way this can be legally prevented is when your attorney sends a spoliation letter that prohibits the defendants from destroying any information relevant to the accident and your claim.

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case. Litigation co-counsel is listed where appropriate.


    Our client, a 58-year-old man living in Tippecanoe, Ohio was involved in a trucking when a semi tractor-trailer failed to maintain an assured clear distance and struck his vehicle in the rear. The client suffered a fractured wrist and multiple disk herniations requiring surgery.

    Settlement: $362,500; April 2015


    Our client, a 42-year-old man from Akron, Ohio, was involved in a four-car collision which included a truck. Our client suffered several lacerated tendons in his left hand and his postoperative course was complicated by a pulmonary embolism. The party who caused the motor vehicle collision was liable for the pulmonary embolism as well as the surgery charges since the embolism happened post-surgery and the surgery was necessitated by the collision. Our client underwent a second surgery, extensor tenolysis to his left hand and capsulotomy of his wrist. Medical bills totaled more than $77,000. Insurance was insufficient.

    Settlement: Insurance Policy Limits


    A 55-year-old man living in Youngstown was involved in a three-vehicle accident on SR 8 in Akron. He sustained compression fractures after a car tried to change lanes and ran into the front of his truck. Insurance was insufficient.

    Settlement: Insurance Policy Limits


    Our client, a 45-year-old man who lived in Grand Rapids, Ohio, was traveling down the road when a semi pulled out in front of him trying to make a left hand turn. Our client hit the side of the semi tractor-trailer. He was transported to Toledo Hospital where he was treated for several lacerations and broken bones. He also had three of his teeth knocked out of his mouth in the collision. He was an inpatient in the hospital where he received treatment for his several injuries, which included a concussion. He wore splints on one of his fingers and on his lower right leg. He underwent physical therapy for less than three months and occupational therapy for less than three months. Chester Law Group Co. LPA settled the case for $525,000 without the need for a lawsuit to be filed.

    Awarded: $525,000


    Our client, a 41 year old woman from Akron, Ohio was injured when a semi changed lanes and smashed into the drivers side of her car. She sustained several injuries including a neck injury which required surgery to repair. The client made a quick and full recovery. The case was settled without the need for protracted litigation.

    Awarded: $225,000; September 2014


    A 38-year-old man from Lorain suffered herniated discs and multiple sprains when he was in a truck accident on SR 58 in Amherst. A semi truck driver from Mineral Wells, West Virginia, rear-ended the man as he was trying to make a turn.

    Awarded: $100,000


    A 36-year-old man living in Shaker Heights was rear-ended by a male truck driver from Pataskala in Twinsburg on SR 91. He sustained multiple sprains as well as cervical disc displacement.

    Awarded: $95,000


    Settlement for a 60-year-old Medina pedestrian suffering serious injuries after a truck backed into him. Client suffered a dislocated knee that required surgery. When you combine a pedestrian with the added weight of a truck, the results can be devastating. Here, having been struck on the knee, the client suffered a dislocated knee that required surgical intervention. A broken bone could have also occurred due to the massive forces placed on the human body by a truck moving at even low speeds. It is doubtful that the driver of the truck would have even felt the impact of his multi-ton vehicle on a small human body.

    Awarded: $80,000


    31-year-old Lorain County woman injured when hit by truck. Client suffered a broken bone and also required surgery. Whether or not you are in a car, the forces placed on your body from the massive weight of a truck striking your car or your body can cause serious bodily harm. This is true even if you have the metal in the car to absorb some of the forces created by the massive truck. It is no wonder that the percentage of serious injuries relating to truck accidents with cars and pedestrians is so high.

    Awarded: $58,500


    A Richfield man, age 58, was rear-ended by a man from Berea driving a truck on I-77 in Cleveland. He sustained multiple sprains and strains as well as a herniated cervical disc.

    Awarded: $50,000


    A 37-year-old man from Garfield Heights was rear-ended by a Columbia Station man on SR 57 in Lorain. He sustained a foot injury and vertebral sprains.

    Awarded: $45,000


    There was an accident on Furnace St. in Elyria when an Oberlin man failed to yield and hit a truck. The 48-year-old man from Elyria suffered from multiple sprains and strains.

    Awarded: $40,000


    A 54-year-old woman from Cortland was involved in a truck accident on Meridian Rd. in Youngstown when a woman from Youngstown failed to yield and turned in front of her. She sustained sprains and strains from the accident.

    Awarded: $32,000


    A 43-year-old Doylestown woman suffered multiple sprains, strains and contusions when a Fairlawn man driving a truck failed to stop at a stop sign and struck her vehicle on Wooster Rd. in Barberton.

    Awarded: $30,000


    A 64-year-old Chagrin Falls man was involved in an accident on Pettibone Rd. in Bainbridge. A female truck driver from Chagrin Falls turned and hit his vehicle on the driver’s side. After the accident he was treated for sprains and strains.

    Awarded: $25,000


    A 61-year-old Columbus man was injured when a woman from Columbus lost control and hit his truck in the side. The accident occurred on Oakland Park in Clinton.

    Awarded: $25,000

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  • Truck Accidents
Truck Accident Attorney in Ohio
What Should I Do If I Am in a Truck Accident in Ohio?

Have you been involved in a semi-truck accident in Ohio? If you were driving an automobile, the results can be devastating. In about half of commercial truck accidents, the semi truck driver is at fault.  Consider the fact that an average loaded semi-truck weighs around 80,000 lbs. and the average car weighs around 3,000 lbs.…

Know how to handle a lawsuit after a semi truck crashes into you

In our previous blog post, we discussed the dangers that fatigued truckers pose. These truckers can turn their vehicles into deadly weapons if they aren’t driving in a safe manner. For the people who are injured in accidents caused by fatigued driving, the reason for the fatigue is usually inconsequential. We know that your life…

Fatigued truckers can cause serious crashes

Truckers must ensure that they are well-rested before they get behind the wheel of those large vehicles. When a trucker is fatigued, even the most experienced trucker can do something that causes an accident. These accidents can lead to serious injuries and death. Some people think that trucker fatigue is caused by the trucker not…

Highway accidents are all too common

As you make your way through the state of Ohio, there is a good chance that you will find yourself on a highway at some point. As you drive down the road, often in excess of 70 miles per hour, don’t be surprised if you come across an accident scene. Unfortunately, highway accidents are all…

How does weather impact the road?

If you have spent any amount of time as a driver, regardless of the vehicle type, you know one thing to be true: Weather conditions are not always ideal. When the weather takes a turn for the worse, it is important to make changes that will keep you and those around you safe. Truckers, in…

Truckers should follow these tips when driving in the snow

Truckers are always in a hurry. They need to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to meet deadlines and provide a high level of service, this often comes at the expense of others. When truck drivers run into inclement weather, they have one…

How to handle a public transportation accident

While some people spend their time driving a motor vehicle, others rely on public transportation. Just the same as any type of vehicle, there is a chance you could be involved in an accident. Public train and bus accidents, for instance, are not common, but these do happen from time to time. If you rely…

The challenges of a truck accident claim

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute, approximately 10 percent of highway deaths occur in an accident involving a large truck. As you drive a passenger vehicle on the highway, you will find yourself in close proximity to trucks at all times. Not only do you need to drive with…

The importance of a truck accident investigation

If you are injured in a truck accident, you need to focus all of your energy on your health and recovery. There is nothing more important than this. Even so, it is important to also understand your legal rights. While you have your side of the story, the trucking company is likely to come up…

By ignoring hours-of-service rules, truck and bus drivers put you at risk

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each year driver fatigue is the direct cause of an estimated 100,000 auto accidents, resulting in 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths. And that is a conservative estimate. While drowsy driving is always dangerous, drowsy driving on the part of a truck driver or bus driver can be…

Common causes of serious truck accidents

Whether we like it or not (and most of us don’t like it), we are asked to share roads and highways with large trucks. At best, these giant vehicles make it difficult to see other cars on the road and difficult to maneuver through traffic. At worst, semi-trucks can cause or contribute to serious and…

After a truck accident, it is crucial to notify all potentially liable parties

In dealing with the physical and emotional strain caused by a collision with a large truck, individuals and families are often overwhelmed by the prospect of pursuing compensation for medical bills and other expenses. You cannot be certain the insurance companies will provide the full measure of coverage you need, so it is important to…

NHTSA stats underscore serious risk of injury in truck accidents

Truck drivers, trucking companies and other parties to the trucking industry all too often fail to comply with safety regulations established by the federal and state governments. When these violations occur, the lives of passenger vehicle occupants are put at risk. To underscore how devastating truck accidents can be, let’s consider some statistics from the…

44 Y-O Man Injured in Warren, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Washington, OhioCounty: Warren, OhioDate of Accident: February 17, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2010 Freight 112 / 2007 Freight Two freight trucks were involved in a crash that caused injuries to a 44 year old man who was the driver of one on February 17, 2014 at approximately 8:45 am. According to…

Elderly Man Injured in Ashland, OH, Truck Crash

City: Green, OhioCounty: Ashland, OhioDate of Accident: February 20, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1998 Mack CL A 1998 Mack truck that was being driven by a 69 year old man, Michael P. McKoy in Green, Ashland, Ohio, allegedly crashed after an axle blew and caused injuries for him on February 20, 2014…

Tractor-Semi Crash Injures Elderly Man in Pickaway, OH

City: Scioto, OhioCounty: Pickaway, OhioDate of Accident: February 12, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Freight C6T An elderly man, aged 64 was injured and transported by Scioto Township Fire Department to Berger Hospital, following a crash in which his tractor-semi, struck several objects before overturning. The accident occurred in Scioto, Pickaway, Ohio,…

59 Y-O Woman Injured in Marion, OH, Truck Accident

City: Pleasant, OhioCounty: Marion, OhioDate of Accident: February 13, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 International Truck / 2007 Toyota Camry A 59-year-old woman, Rebecca J. Gruber sustained injuries and was treated at the scene after a crash that occurred in Pleasant, Marion, Ohio, on February 13, 2014 at approximately 4:23 pm. Police…

Rear End Truck Crash Injures 51 Y-O Man in Lucas, OH

City: Providence, OhioCounty: Lucas, OhioDate of Accident: February 5, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Freight Truck / 2013 Ford Eprise A 51 year old man, Gary Alan Shephard of Wayne, IN., sustained injuries in a crash that occurred in Providence, Licking, Ohio, on February 5, 2014 at approximately 1:33 pm. Reports from…

Fayette, OH, ACDA Truck Crash Injures 20 Year Old Woman

City: Jasper, OhioCounty: Fayette, OhioDate of Accident: February 15, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 International Truck / 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse. A morning crash, which saw a car striking the median and causing injuries to a 20-year-old woman, occurred in Jasper, Fayette, Ohio, on February 15, 2014 at approximately 9:15 am. Reports from…

SUV Strikes Street Sign in Franklin, 20 Y-O Woman Injured

City: Whitehall., OhioCounty: Franklin, OhioDate of Accident: February 2, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2000 GMC An early morning crash occurred in Whitehall, Franklin, Ohio, on February 2, 2014 at approximately 1:31 am and resulted in injuries for a 20-year-old woman, Brittney Dunstan. Whitehall Police Department reports that the woman was driving a…

45 Year Old Man Injured in Fulton, OH, Truck Crash

City: Pike OhioCounty: Fulton, OhioDate of Accident: February 4, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 Freight Truck A truck crash occurred on February 4, 2014 at approximately 10:26 pm and resulted in injuries for a 45-year-old man, who was the driver of a 2013 Freight Truck in Pike, Fulton, Ohio. Police reported that…

46 Y-O Dennison Man Injured in Clinton, OH, Truck Crash

City: Union, OhioCounty: Clinton, OhioDate of Accident: February 6, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Peterbilt Truck / 1999 International Truck A 46 year old man of Dennison, Ohio, sustained injuries in an accident that occurred in Union, Clinton, Ohio, on February 6, 2014 at approximately 9:45 am. Police reports are that a…

Pittsburgh PA., Man Charged in PDO Truck Crash in Carroll, Ohio

City: Monroe, OhioCounty: Carroll, OhioDate of Accident: February 16, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2011 Ford F55 An accident that occurred in Monroe, Carroll, Ohio, caused property damage on February 16, 2014 at approximately 11:35 am. Reports from the OSHP are that the 19 year old youth, of Pittsburgh PA., was driving a…

Elderly Woman Injured in Trumbull, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Hubbard, OhioCounty: Trumbull, OhioDate of Accident: January 20, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2001 Chevrolet Express / 2002 Volkswagen Bug. An elderly woman, Louann M. Merql was injured in Hubbard, Trumbull, Ohio, following a crash that occurred on January 20, 2014 at approximately 00:20 am. Reports from the OSHP are that a…

Tractor-Semi Strikes Ditch in Wyandot, OH, 36 Y-O Man Injured

City: Antrim Twp., OhioCounty: Wyandot, OhioDate of Accident: January 23, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Freight CCC An early morning crash caused injuries to a 36 year old man of Backlick, Ohio, in Antrim Township, Wyandot, Ohio, on January 23, 2014 at approximately 00:30 am. According to police reports, the man was…

Truck Crash on CR 27 in Wayne, Ohio, Injures 57 Y-O Woman

City: Chippewa Twp., OhioCounty: Wayne, OhioDate of Accident: January 24, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1997 Chevrolet / 2007 Chevrolet CB4 A collision that occurred in Chippewa, Twp., Wayne, Ohio, resulted in injuries for a 57 year old woman of Doylestown, Ohio, on January 24, 2014 at approximately 12:30 pm. Reports from the…

Woman/ Elderly Man Injured in Sandusky, OH, Truck Crash

City: Townsend, OhioCounty: Sandusky, OhioDate of Accident: January 16, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Ford 3HD / 2007 KW CCD A truck crash occurred in Townsend, Sandusky, Ohio, on January 16, 2014 at approximately 7:30 pm and resulted in injuries for two people. According to police reports, a 42 year old woman…

50 Year Old Injured as 2 Trucks Collide in Portage, Ohio

City: Freedom, OhioCounty: Portage, OhioDate of Accident: January 15, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1999 KW 900 / 2007 Sterling 825 Two trucks crashed in Freedom, Portage, Ohio, and caused injuries for a 50 year old woman on January 15, 2014 at approximately 6:31 am. Police reports are that the trucks, a 1999…

Car Strikes Bus in Paulding, OH, 17 Year Old Youth Injured

City: Latty, OhioCounty: Paulding, OhioDate of Accident: January 24, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2002 Saturn SL / 2004 Bluebird Bus A 17 year old youth was injured when a 2002 Saturn SL midsize car was being driven on Federal Highway 127 and allegedly struck a 2004 Bluebird Bus that was headed north…

Head On Truck Crash Injures 33 Y-O Woman in Huron, Ohio

City: New Haven, OhioCounty: Huron, OhioDate of Accident: January 6, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2000 Nissan Freight / 2013 Chevrolet Cruze A truck crash caused injuries to a 33 year old woman in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, on January 6, 2014 at approximately 3:20 pm. Reports from the OSHP are that a…

Ice Shatters Windshield and Injures 66 Y-O Man in Madison, OH

City: Range, OhioCounty: Madison, OhioDate of Accident: January 9, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2010 Honda Ridgeline / 2012 Freight Traffic halted on the morning commute on Interstate 71 in Range, Madison, Ohio, on January 9, 2014 following a crash that occurred and resulted in injuries for a 66 year old man who…

Concord Squad Transported 2 Injured Women in Lake, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Concord, OhioCounty: Lake, OhioDate of Accident: January 17, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Volkswagen Jetta / 1999 Sterling Truck Two vehicles crashed in a work zone and caused injuries to two women, a 37 year old woman of Jefferson, Ohio, and a 65 year old woman of Geneva, Ohio, in Concord,…

Truck Jackknifes and Causes Injuries to 50 Y-O Man in Logan, Ohio

City: Zane, OhioCounty: Logan, OhioDate of Accident: January 6, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 Volvo Truck A 2005 Volvo single unit truck jackknifed across the road and resulted in injuries for its 50 year old driver in Zane, Logan, Ohio, on January 6, 2014 at approximately 7:15 am. Police reports are that…

Tractor-Semi Crash Injures 2 in Greene, Ohio

City: Bath, OhioCounty: Greene, OhioDate of Accident: January 5, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2014 Freight CVC / 2003 Mitsubishi Galant A tractor-semi crashed and caused injuries to a 52 year old man who was driving a 2003 Mitsubishi Galant midsize car on January 5, 2014 at approximately 4:36 am. Police reports are…

Crews on Scene of Tractor-Trailer Crash in Delaware County

City: Berkshire, OhioCounty: Delaware, OhioDate of Accident: January 6, 2014Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 Volvo A 45-year-old man, Osei K. Boateng of Columbus, Ohio, sustained injuries in an accident that occurred on Interstate Route 71 in Berkshire, Delaware, Ohio, at approximately 1:54 pm on January 6, 2014. Reports from the OSHP are…

Rear End Tractor-Semi Crash Injures 28 Y-O Man in Wood, OH

City: Rossford, OhioCounty: Wood, OhioDate of Accident: December 23, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Volvo / 2004 Saab 28 year old Michael E. Strahm of Chicago, IL, sustained injuries in an accident that occurred in Rossford, Wood, Ohio, on December 23, 2013 at approximately 6:00 pm. Reports from the OSHP are that…

Belmont OH, Truck Crash Injures 1 as Vehicles Caught Fire

City: Wheeling, OhioCounty: Belmont, OhioDate of Accident: December 21, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1999 Chevrolet Silverado / 2001 International Truck An early morning crash occurred in Wheeling, Belmont, Ohio, on December 21, 2013 at approximately 8:50 am and resulted in injuries for a 51 year old man, Rickey J. Simmons of Hohenwald,…

18 Y-O Woman Taken to Ruby Memorial in Monroe, OH, Truck Crash

City: Salem, OhioCounty: Monroe, OhioDate of Accident: December 19, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 International Truck / 2003 Cadillac An 18-year-old woman was transported by Clarington EMS to Ruby Memorial and charged with operating her vehicle without reasonable control. On December 19, 2013 at approximately 8:18 am, she sustained injuries in a…

32 Y-O Woman Injured at Work Zone in Lake, Ohio

City: Leroy, OhioCounty: Lake, OhioDate of Accident: December 11, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2012 Hyundai Elantra / Unknown Truck A truck crashed at a work zone and caused injuries for a 32 year old woman, Melissa O. Barnwell of Rock Creek, Ohio, in Leroy, Lake, Ohio, on December 11, 2013 at approximately…

Hancock, OH, Truck Crash Hospitalizes Two

City: Delaware, OhioCounty: Hancock, OhioDate of Accident: December 7, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2012 Volvo / 2007 Buick Two women were injured in a crash that occurred on December 7, 2013 at approximately 1:30 pm in Delaware, Hancock, Ohio. Police reports are that a 45 year old man of Toole, UT, was…

Franklin, OH, Truck Crash Injures 49-Year-Old Woman

City: Sharon, OhioCounty: Franklin, OhioDate of Accident: December 5, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2002 Buick Center / 2000 Sterling Truck A crash occurred in Sharon, Franklin, Ohio and resulted in injuries for a 49-year-old woman, on December 18, 2013 at approximately 10:27 pm. Police reports are that a truck was entering the…

5 Y-O Girl Injured in Fulton, OH, Truck Crash

City: Wauseon, OhioCounty: Fulton, OhioDate of Accident: December 6, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Peterbilt Truck / 2007 Ford Fusion A truck crash occurred on December 6, 2013 at approximately 4:35 pm and resulted in injuries for a 5-year-old girl, who was an occupant of a 2007 Ford Fusion compact car in…

Colebrook, Ashtabula, Rear end Truck Crash Injures 1 Man

City: Colebrook, OhioCounty: Ashtabula, OhioDate of Accident: November 6, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier / 2008 Chevrolet HDT A rear end truck crash occurred in Colebrook, Ashtabula, Ohio, and resulted in injuries for a 20 year old man, who was treated at the scene on November 6, 2013 at approximately…

3 Injured in Rear-End, Tractor-Semi Crash in Pike, OH

City: Seal, OhioCounty: Pike, OhioDate of Accident: October 10, 2013Type of Accident: Motor vehicle Accident – 2004 Chevrolet Ventura / 1994 Mack Truck Three women were injured in a crash that occurred in Seal, Pike, Ohio, on Thursday, October 10, 2013 at approximately 12:59 pm. Reports from the police are that a 2004 Chevy Ventura…

39 Year Old Man Injured in Shelby, OH, Truck Crash

City: Franklin, OhioCounty: Shelby, OhioDate of Accident: October 9, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1992 International Tractor A 39 year old man sustained injuries in a truck crash that occurred in Franklin, Shelby, Ohio, on October 9, 2013 at approximately 7:50 am. Reports from the police are that the man was driving a…

Car Strikes Parked Heavy Vehicle in Ashland, OH, 3 Injured

City: Milton, OhioCounty: Ashland, OhioDate of Accident: October 12, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1975 Mass FE / 2008 Chevrolet A 1975 Mass FE heavy vehicle that was parked on the roadway, was struck in the rear by a 2008 Chevy midsize car on State Route 96 in Milton, Ashland, Ohio, and resulted…

Tractor Semi Crash Injures 31 Y-O Man in Perry OH

City: Thorn, OhioCounty: Perry, OhioDate of Accident: October 8, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Volvo / 2009 Ford F150 A tractor semi crashed in Thorn, Perry, Ohio, on October 8, 2013 at approximately 3:25 pm and resulted in injuries for a 31 year old man, Kyle S. Kaufman of Thornville, Ohio, police…

Three People Injured in Muskingum, OH, Truck Crash

City: Cass, OhioCounty: Muskingum, OhioDate of Accident: October 2, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1998 Ford Truck / 1991 Geo Metro Traffic came to a halt on the evening commute on State Route 16 in Cass, Muskingum, Ohio, on October 2, 2013 at approximately 7:07 pm, following a crash that occurred and resulted…

Tractor-Semi Crash in Miami, OH, Injures 35 Year Old Woman

City: Concord, OhioCounty: Miami, OhioDate of Accident: October 14, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Freight / 2004 Chrysler A motor vehicle crash that occurred in Concord, Miami, Ohio, resulted in injuries for a 35 year old woman on October 14, 2013 at approximately 9:20 am. Reports from the police are that a…

Tractor-Semi Crashes and injures 51 Y-O Woman in Lorain, OH

City: Elyria, OhioCounty: Lorain, OhioDate of Accident: October 3, 2013Type of Accident: Motor vehicle Accident – 2006 International Tractor Life care EMS transported a 51-year-old man who was injured to EMH Regional and police charged him with operating his vehicle without reasonable control as a result of an accident, which occurred on The Ohio Turnpike…

Jackson, Ohio, Crash Injures 52 Y-O Man

City: LickCounty: Jackson, OhioDate of Accident: October 3, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1998 Chevrolet S10 A 52 year old man sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident that occurred in Lick, Jackson, Ohio, on October 3, 2013 at approximately 00:34 am. According to reports from the OSHP, the man was driving a…

26 Y-O Man Injured in Harrison, OH, as Tractor-Semi Strikes Pole

City: Moorefield, OhioCounty: Harrison, OhioDate of Accident: October 14, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2000 International 470 A 26-year-old man of Charleston, WV, sustained injuries and was transported by Harrison EMS to Community Hospital and then charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control, following an accident that occurred in Moorefield, Harrison, Ohio. Reports…

4 Injured in Huron, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Norwalk, OhioCounty: Huron, OhioDate of Accident: October 3, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Saturn Aurora / 2003 International Truck A truck crash caused injuries to four people in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, on October 3, 2013 at approximately 1:43 pm. Reports from the OSHP are that a 38 year old man was…

57 Year Old Illinois Man Killed in Trumbull, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Hubbard, OhioCounty: Trumbull, OhioDate of Accident: September 14, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 Volvo A horrible early morning truck crash that occurred in Hubbard, Trumbull, Ohio, claimed the life of a 57 year old man, Barry L. Johnson of Chicago, IL, on September 11, 2013 at approximately 6:11 am. Reports from…

56 Year Old Man Injured in Adams, OH as Heavy Vehicle Crashes

City: Monroe, OhioCounty: Adams, OhioDate of Accident: September 10, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1986 Ford / 2012 Jeep Patriot An accident that occurred and closed Federal Highway 52 for several hours on Tuesday September 10, 2013 at 1:20 pm, caused injuries to a 56 year old man, Randy E. Baldwin of Manchester,…

Tractor-Semi Crashes in Putnam, OH; 51 Y-O Man Injured

City: Sugar Creek, OhioCounty: Putnam, OhioDate of Accident: September 13, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 1985 International Truck / 1999 Pontiac Grand Am Sugar Creek, Putnam, Ohio, was the scene of a tractor-semi crash that resulted in injuries for a 51 year old man of Hudson, Ohio, on September 13, 2013 at approximately 6:26…

Two Men Injured, 1 Charged in Preble, OH Truck Crash

City: Harrison, OhioCounty: Preble, OhioDate of Accident: September 9, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2014 International Truck / 2013 Chrysler 300 An early morning truck crash caused injuries for two men in Harrison, Preble, Ohio on September 9, 2013 at approximately 1:50 am. Police reports are that a 28 year old man, Jose L.…

Truck Overturns in Paulding, OH and Injures 28 Year Old Man

City: Blue Creek, OhioCounty: Paulding, OhioDate of Accident: September 17, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 1994 International Truck A 1994 International Truck struck a ditch and overturned after it spilled its contents on State Route 114 in Blue Creek, Paulding, Ohio, on September 17, 2013 at approximately 2:03 pm, causing injuries to its 28…

Two Injured in Medina, OH, Mack Truck Crash

City: Harrisville, OhioCounty: Medina, OhioDate of Accident: September 1, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1999 Mack Truck / 2005 Ford Windom An accident that occurred in Harrisville, Medina, Ohio, caused injuries to two people on September 9, 2013 at approximately 4:14 pm. Police reports are that a 71 year old man was driving…

Toyota/Tractor-Semi Crash Injures Elderly Man in Knox, OH

City: Morris, OhioCounty: Knox, OhioDate of Accident: September 3, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2003 Toyota Corolla / 2007 Peterbilt Truck State Route 3 in Morris, Knox, Ohio, was the scene of a crash, which resulted in injuries for an 85 year old man of Millersburg, Ohio. Reports from the OSHP are that…

Tractor-Semi Crashes in Holmes, OH and Injures 23 Y-O Man

City: Paint, OhioCounty: Holmes, OhioDate of Accident: August 23, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2005 Dodge Ram / 1995 Freight Truck A 23 year old man was injured in an early morning accident that occurred in Paint, Holmes, Ohio on August 23, 2013 at approximately 5:50 am. Reports from the OSHP are that a…

Tractor-Semi Truck Crashes in Holmes, Ohio and Injures 23 Y-O Man

City: Paint, OhioCounty: Holmes, OhioDate of Accident: August 23, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2005 Dodge Ram / 1995 Freight Truck A 23 year old man was injured in an early morning accident that occurred in Paint, Holmes, Ohio on August 23, 2013 at approximately 5:50 am. Reports from the OSHP are that a…

18 Y-O Pedestrian Injured in Trumbull, OH, Truck Crash

City: Braceville, OhioCounty: Trumbull, OhioDate of Accident: July 29, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Dodge Truck / Pedestrian An 18 year old pedestrian, Stephen R. Vidman of McDonald, Ohio, sustained injuries in a truck crash that occurred in Braceville, Trumbull, Ohio, on July 29, 2013 at approximately 9:45 am. Reports from the…

Tractor-Semi Crashes in Richland, Ohio, Injures Three

City: Mifflin, OhioCounty: Richland, OhioDate of Accident: July 22, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Suzuki Aerio / 2006 International Truck

2 Young Men Injured in Portage, Ohio Rear End Crash

City: Edinburg, Ohio County: Portage, Ohio Date of Accident: July 22, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2003 International Truck / 2000 Mercury Cougar An accident occurred on July 22, 2013, which resulted in injuries for two men in Edinburg, Portage, Ohio at approximately 1:37 pm. According to police reports, a 22-year-old man…

Two Injured in Noble, Ohio, Rear End Truck Crash

City: Noble, Ohio County: Noble, Ohio Date of Accident: July 25, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 International Truck / 2011 Ford Fusion Two people, the 27-year-old driver of a 2011 Ford Fusion midsize car and a 41-year-old man, Roland O. Skelton, both of Mansfield, Ohio sustained injuries in a crash that…

Truck Overturns in Perry, Ohio, Injures 45-Year-Old Man

City: Madison, Ohio County: Perry, Ohio Date of Accident: August 5, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Mack DCM A 2006 Mack Truck overturned in Madison, Perry, Ohio on August 5, 2013, at approximately 3:50 pm and resulted in injuries for a 45-year-old man. Police reports are that the man, Jeffrey W.…

Monroe, Ohio Truck Crash Injures 44 Y-O Man

City: Lee, Ohio County: Monroe, Ohio Date of Accident: July 22, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2007 Mack Truck Sardis EMS treated a 44-year-old man at the scene on July 22, 2013, at approximately 7:20 am for injuries he sustained in a crash that occurred in Center, Monroe, Ohio. According to reports from…

Jackson, Ohio Truck Accident Injures Two Women

City: Jefferson, Ohio County: Jackson, Ohio Date of Accident: July 12, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2011 Dodge Avalon / 2011 Isuzu Truck Jackson City EMS transported two women to Holzier for injuries they sustained in a truck accident that occurred in Jefferson, Jackson, Ohio on July 12, 2013, at approximately 6:41…

59 Year Old Woman Injured in Huron, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: Wakeman, Ohio County: Huron, Ohio Date of Accident: July 15, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 KW Truck / 2006 Mercury Grand Am A 59-year-old woman sustained injuries in a crash that occurred on July 15, 2013, at approximately 1:00 pm police reported. The reports further stated that a 43-year-old man…

Huron, OH, Truck Crash Injures 59 Y-O Woman

City: Wakeman, Ohio County: Huron, Ohio Date of Accident: July 15, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 KW Truck / 2006 Mercury Grand Am A 59-year-old woman sustained injuries in a crash that occurred on July 15, 2013, at approximately 1:00 pm police reported. The reports further stated that a 43-year-old man…

51 Y-O Man Rushed to Wooster Comm. in Wayne, Ohio Truck Crash

City: Wooster, Ohio County: Wayne, Ohio Date of Accident: June 6, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2007 MIFU Truck A truck crash occurred in Wooster, Wayne, Ohio and resulted in a 51-year-old man being rushed to Wooster Community Hospital for injuries he sustained on June 6, 2013, at approximately 3:34 pm. Reports from…

Unsolved Truck Crash in Brown, Ohio, Injures 40 year Old Man

City: Scott, Ohio County: Brown, Ohio Date of Accident: June 7, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2000 International 490 A truck accident occurred on Federal Highway 68 and resulted in injuries for a 40-year-old man of Cincinnati, Ohio who was treated at the scene. On June 7, 2013, at approximately 9:30 am. Police…

17-Year-Old Youth Killed in Champaign, Ohio, Head On Collision

City: Johnson, Ohio County: Champaign, Ohio Date of Accident: June 7, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2005 Buick / 1995 KW Tractor A 2005 Buick SUV that was being driven by a 17-year-old youth of Russel’s Point, Ohio, Thomas Hunter Valentine, was involved in a crash that resulted in his being killed and…

Elderly Man Injured in Tuscarawas, Ohio Truck Crash

City: Goshen, Ohio County: Tuscarawas, Ohio Date of Accident: June 6, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer / 2000 Freight An elderly man was treated at the scene of a crash that involved a 2001 Freight tractor/semi in Goshen, Tuscarawas, Ohio on June 5, 2013, at approximately 1:00 pm. Police…

Car Strikes Concrete Wall; Injures Man in Sandusky Truck Crash

City: Rice, Ohio County: Sandusky, Ohio Date of Accident: May 18, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2005 Cadillac / 2012 Freight Truck A truck crash occurred in Rice, Sandusky, Ohio and resulted in injuries for a 22-year-old man, who was driving a 2005 Cadillac full-size car on May 18, 2013, at approximately 10:23…

15 Year Old Youth Injured in Crash at Railroad in Paulding, Ohio

City: Carryall, OhioCounty: Paulding, OhioDate of Accident: May 23, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 GMC Sierra Samaritan Lifeflight was on the scene of a crash that occurred in Carryall, Paulding, Ohio, to transport a 15-year-old youth to Parkview, after which he was charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control. At approximately…

Improper Turn in Huron, Ohio, Causes 2 Injuries in a Crash

City: Greenwich, Ohio County: Huron, Ohio Date of Accident: May 21, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 GMC Sierra / 1998 Chevrolet Silverado Firelands EMS transported two men to Fisher Titus Hospital, one-aged 28 and the other, 26-year-old Steven Boland, both of New London, Ohio. This, following an accident that occurred on…

Falling Debris Causes Crash in Erie, Ohio, Injures 65 Y-O Woman

City: Huron, Ohio County: Erie, Ohio Date of Accident: May 14, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2010 Ford Eclipse / 2004 Chevrolet C350 Traffic halted on State Route 2 in Huron, Erie, Ohio, on May 14, 2013, at about 10:43 am, following a truck crash that occurred and resulted in injuries for…

Truck Crashes in Coshocton, Ohio, No Injuries Reported

City: West Lafayette, Ohio County: Coshocton, Ohio Date of Accident: May 28, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 Tractor-Semi On May 28, 2013 at approximately 4:30 pm in West Lafayette, Ohio, A 62-year-old man of Temple , MD, Allen James Harrell, who was driving a 2013 Tractor-Semi Trailer and turned right onto…

Unsolved Truck Crash Injures Elderly Man in Carroll, Ohio

City: Orange, Ohio County: Carroll, Ohio Date of Accident: May 22, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Mercury Mariner An unsolved truck crash occurred in Orange, Carroll, Ohio, and resulted in injuries for an elderly man, Larry L. Webber of Bowerston, Ohio. According to reports from the ODPS, the man was driving…

Tractor-Semi Crashes in Ashland, Ohio, and Injures 39 Year Old Man

City: Ruggles, OhioCounty: Ashland, OhioDate of Accident: May 1, 2013Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 Ford Taurus / 2004 KW CCD Tractor Fireland EMS treated a 39 year old man of Elkart, IN at the scene for injuries he received following a crash that occurred in Ruggles, Ashland, Ohio on May 1, 2013…

Driver Blacks Out and Crashes in Pickaway, Ohio

City: Harrisburg, Ohio County: Pickaway, Ohio Date of Accident: April 20, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2010 Freight Class 2 A truck driver allegedly blacked out while he was driving a 2010 Freight class 2 tractor-semi on Federal Highway 23 and crashed causing injuries to himself. On April 20, 2013, at approximately 7:57…

Head On Crash in Monroe, Ohio, Injures Two Men

City: Switzerland, Ohio County: Monroe, Ohio Date of Accident: May 7, 2013 Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2011 Ford F150 / 2013 Freight Two men sustained injuries in an accident that occurred in Switzerland, Monroe, Ohio, on May 7, 2013, at approximately 1:25 am. The two, a 45-year-old man from Garrettsville, Ohio was…

Elderly Man Injured in Harrison, Ohio, Truck Crash

City: North, OhioCounty: Harrison, OhioDate of Accident: March 13, 2013Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2013 Freight Truck An elderly man sustained injuries in a truck accident that occurred in North, Harrison, Ohio on March 13, 2013 at approximately 3:45 pm. Police reports are that the 73 year old man was driving a 2013 Freight…

Tractor/Deer Crash in Fayette, Ohio

City: Wayne, Ohio County: Fayette, Ohio Date of Accident: April 27, 2013 Type of Accident: Truck Accident – 2013 Mack Truck A crash occurred on Federal Highway 35 in Wayne, Fayette, Ohio and resulted in property damage on April 27, 2013, at approximately 9:15 am. According to reports supplied by the ODPS, Paul Snyder, an…

Drug and alcohol testing on truck drivers

The first thing a truck accident attorney will want to see are the results of drug and alcohol testing for a trucker involved in an accident. This testing is nothing new to a trucker, as they are subject to it through their employers at any time. As any experienced truck accident lawyer will no doubt…

Big rig crash jackknife accident

I just posted an article about an Ohio semi-truck accident where the 18-wheeler jack-knifed across highway I-70. What is a jack-knife truck accident? What causes these deadly crashes? A jack-knife refers to the type of tractor-trailer accident that occurs when a big rig skids and the trailer swings out to form a 90 degree angle…

What the public needs to know about truck accident statistics

You have probably heard all these terms when it comes to describing a semi-truck: big rigs, 18 wheelers, tractor trailers, etc. All these terms relate to one specific type of vehicle that is essential on our nation’s highways. Without these trucks, the infrastructure of our country would come to a halt. However, when an accident…

Cincinnati Truck Accident Lawyer Reviews Most Common Reasons 18 Wheelers Cause Accidents

Author David Chester Truck Accident Lawyer Cincinnati, Ohio Some of the most common reasons that an eighteen wheeler has caused an accident are simply a lack of experience or an overworked, fatigued driver. Neither of those reasons are the fault of the injured party. The truck company should not let an inexperienced driver drive on…

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Attorney Chester provides a very valuable service.

– Alvin S.

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