Tag Archives: serious injury

By ignoring hours-of-service rules, truck and bus drivers put you at risk

By ignoring hours-of-service rules, truck and bus drivers put you at risk

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each year driver fatigue is the direct cause of an estimated 100,000 auto accidents, resulting in 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths. And that is a conservative estimate. While drowsy driving is always dangerous, drowsy driving on the part of a truck driver or bus driver can be…

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After a truck accident, it is crucial to notify all potentially liable parties

After a truck accident, it is crucial to notify all potentially liable parties

In dealing with the physical and emotional strain caused by a collision with a large truck, individuals and families are often overwhelmed by the prospect of pursuing compensation for medical bills and other expenses. You cannot be certain the insurance companies will provide the full measure of coverage you need, so it is important to…

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Paralyzed patient able to walk again after breakthrough surgery

Paralyzed patient able to walk again after breakthrough surgery

A new surgical procedure may offer patients with spinal cord injuries a ray of hope. British researchers have discovered that taking regenerative cells from a patient’s nasal cavity and implanting them above and below the damaged site in the spinal cord can promote nerve cell grown and reconnect severed nerve endings. The surgery was performed…

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