17 Year Old Youth Injured in Putnam, OH., Rear End Crash

City: Ottawa, Ohio
County: Putnam, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 14, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2005 Pontiac Grand Am / 2000 Chevrolet

A rear end crash occurred in Ottawa, Putnam, Ohio, and resulted in injuries for a 17 year old youth, who was treated at the scene. Reports from the Ottawa Police Department are that a 2000 Chevy midsize car was being driven by the youth, Zachary L. Hoyt of Leipsic, Ohio, west on State Route 224 and slowed down to turn left into Main Street Party Mart. A 2005 Pontiac Grand Am midsize car was being driven by a 16 year old youth, Nicholas J. Repko, west on the same road and allegedly failed to slow. The Pontiac struck the Chevy. The driver of the Pontiac was transported by Ottawa EMS to ACC. The Shop towed the Chevy and the Pontiac was driven away from the scene.

Accidents in which drivers failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead were 18,889 in 2011. In 2012, Ottawa, Putnam, Ohio, whose population was 4,367, suffered 3 injury crashes which resulted in 8 injuries. Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. Accidents that were rear end crashes in 2011 were 22,056 of 81,986 in Ohio. Vehicles that were involved in accidents, which the drivers failed to control, amounted to 10,478 which caused injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a Union, Riley or Ottawa, Ohio, area accident, please call the Putnam County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.