CRV Strikes Ditch 4 Times in Preble, OH, Girl Injured

City: Harrison, Ohio
County: Preble, Ohio
Date of Accident: January 17, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2003 Honda CRV

A teenage girl, Chelsea L. Messenger of Lewisburg, Ohio, sustained injuries following a crash that occurred in Harrison, Preble, Ohio, on January 17, 2014 at approximately 9:07 am. Reports from the OSHP are that the girl was driving a 2003 Honda CRV SUV, south on Verona Road when she allegedly lost control of the vehicle on the ice-covered roadway. The SUV went off the right side of the roadway and struck a ditch and a tree. The SUV re-entered the roadway and went off the left side, struck a ditch and went into a field. It then struck a ditch, re-entered the roadway, off the right side and struck a ditch again and a tree. Lewisburg EMS transported her to Good Samaritan and Hershal’s towed the vehicle.

In 2012, Harrison, Preble, Ohio, whose population was 4,601, suffered a total of 17 injury crashes, which resulted in 26 people sustaining injuries. In the category of location of first harmful event by crash severity, there were 2406 injury-crashes that occurred outside the traffic way in 2011. Trees that were involved in injury crashes amounted to 2,731 in 2011. Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2012 were 4,031 that caused injuries. Accidents in which vehicles struck ditches amounted to 2,164, which caused injuries in 2011.

If you’ve been injured in a Twin, Harrison or Monroe, Ohio, area accident, please call the Preble County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group Co., at 800-218-4243.