City: Cecil, Ohio
County: Paulding, Ohio
Date of Accident: October 7, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1993 Honda GLF
62 year old Raymond Pac of Taylor, MI., sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident that occurred in Cecil, Paulding, Ohio, on October 7, 2013 at approximately 10:26 pm. Police reports are that the man was riding his motorcycle east on County Road 424, when a deer allegedly ran across the roadway and struck the left side of the motorcycle and the driver’s left foot. He was transported by Paulding EMS to Paulding Hospital. J & R’s towed the motorcycle.
In Ohio in 2010, accidents which occurred and were not a collision of two vehicles in transport amounted to 23,253 which caused injuries. In Cecil, Paulding, Ohio, in 2011, the population was 216; there was 1 injury crash that resulted in 1 injury. Crashes that occurred when it was dark not lighted were 479 that resulted in injuries. Accidents which involved animals in Ohio in 2010 amounted to 1,156, with 794 which involved a deer, all these resulted in injuries. Accidents in which the driver was totally ejected amounted to 307 injury crashes.
If you’ve been injured in Cecil, Payne or Jackson, Ohio, areas, please call the Paulding County, Ohio, motorcycle accident lawyers at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.