City: Bucyrus, Ohio
County: Crawford, Ohio
Date of Accident: November 13, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1991 Buick Center / 1992 Ford Ranger
A driver who allegedly failed to maintain an assured clear distance behind another vehicle was the cause of a crash that caused injuries to a 44 year old man in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, on November 13, 2013 at approximately 8:39 pm. Police reports are that a 1992 Ford Ranger pickup was being driven by the man, north on North Sandusky Avenue, south of Crossroads Boulevard. The 23 year old driver of a 1991 Buick Center midsize car was following behind it. The driver of the pickup slowed while he prepared to turn right into a private drive and his vehicle was struck by the car. The injured man, Walter M. Hill was transported by Lifestar to Bucyrus Community, while the driver of the Buick was charged.
Those crashes that involved pickups were 14,518 that caused injuries. In Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, in 2012, the population was 13,224; there were 46 injury crashes that resulted in 61 injuries. Those accidents which were rear end crashes were 22,090 which resulted in injuries of a total of 81,145. In Ohio in 2010 the total amount of accidents which occurred as a result of drivers’ following too closely/ACDA was 69,454 with 18,934 which resulted in injuries. Mid-size, vehicles that were involved in accidents in 2011 were 41,253 of 158,786, which caused injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a Bucyrus, Polk or Liberty, Ohio, area accident; please call the Crawford County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law, at 800-218-4243.