City: Liberty, Ohio
County: Butler, Ohio
Date of Accident: November 8, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 Subaru Impreza
A crash that was allegedly caused by speeding occurred in the early morning of November 8, 2013 and resulted in the death of a 24 year old man, Kevin C. Cummings of Hamilton, Ohio. According to reports from the Highway Patrol, the young man was driving a 2013 Subaru Impreza compact car west on Princeton Road in Liberty, Butler, Ohio, and allegedly lost control after he crested a hill. The car traveled off the right side of the roadway and struck a ditch, a utility pole and a tree. He was killed and Liberty Township EMS transported his body to Butler county Morgue. A-tech towed the car.
Those accidents which ended in fatalities and involved trees were 105 for most harmful event in 2011. In Liberty, Butler Ohio, in 2012, there were 1 fatal crash of 669. The population of Liberty was 22,819. Those which involved a ditch were 45 which resulted in fatalities. There were 143 fatal crashes which were as a result of drivers traveling at unsafe speeds in Ohio in 2010. In Ohio in 2010, accidents which occurred and were not a collision of two vehicles in transport amounted to 23,253 for injuries and 518 which resulted in fatalities.
If you’ve been injured in a Liberty, Lemon or Monroe, Ohio, area, please call the Butler County, Ohio, wrongful death attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.