Chevy Crash Injures 21 Y-O Man in Sandusky, Ohio

City: Burgoon, Ohio
County: Sandusky, Ohio
Date of Accident: September 12, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt / 2000 Chevrolet Ventura

An injury crash occurred in Burgoon, Sandusky, Ohio, on September 12, 2013 at approximately 2:15 pm. According to police reports, a 21-year-old man was driving a 2006 Chevy Cobalt compact car east on Main Street. A 2000 Chevy Ventura minivan was parked on Main Street, unoccupied. The driver of the Chevy car alleges that his brake failed and he failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead and struck the minivan in the rear. The minivan went off the right side of the roadway and struck a traffic sign. The young man was treated at the scene then charged. Willey’s towed the car and Wonderly’s towed the minivan.

In Burgoon, Sandusky, Ohio whose population was 61,792 in 2011, there were 379 injury crashes, which resulted in 511 injuries. The frequency at which accidents occurred and involved parked vehicle were 187 or 24.9% in 2010. Accidents in which drivers failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead were 18,889 in 2011. Rear end crashes in 2011 were 22,056 that resulted in injuries. There were 370 accidents which involved traffic sign post in the category of first harmful event in unit of error and resulted in injuries. The accident involved a minivan, in Ohio in 2010 there were 8,826 accidents which involved minivans, which resulted in injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a Burgoon, or Fremont Ohio, area accident, please call the Sandusky County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243