City: Cross Creek, Ohio
County: Jefferson, Ohio
Date of Accident: September 4, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2001 Pontiac Grand Am
A 41-year-old woman of Toronto, Ohio, sustained injuries in an accident, which occurred on September 4, 2013 at approximately 9:40 pm, in Cross Creek, Jefferson, Ohio. Police reported that a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am compact car that was being driven by the woman was headed east on Williams Boulevard. She allegedly drove off the south edge of the road and the car struck a utility pole. She was treated at the scene and charged with operating her vehicle without reasonable control. DPC towed the car.
Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2011 were 4, 778 that caused injuries. In 2011, Cross Creek, Jefferson Ohio, had a population of 8,761; there were 27 injury crashes, which resulted in 41 injuries. Accidents, which saw vehicles striking utility poles, were 2,936 in 2011. Those accidents in which there were no controls were 13,475 which resulted in injuries. The total accidents which occurred when the roadway was dark and lighted amounted to 10,380 of a total of 43,416 injury causing accidents.
Have you sustained injuries in a Saline, Wayne or Cross Creek, Ohio, area accident? then call the Jefferson County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.