Pickup Strikes Ditch, Tree and Injures 17 Y-O Youth in Clermont, OH

City: Tate, Ohio
County: Clermont, Ohio
Date of Accident: August 11, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1998 Ford Ranger

A 1998 Ford Ranger pickup allegedly struck a ditch and a tree before resting in a rear end crash that occurred in Tate Clermont, Ohio, and resulted in injuries for a 17 year old youth on August 11, 2013 at approximately 1:02 pm. According to reports from the OHSP, the pickup was being driven by the youth, south on Jones Florer Road. The vehicle was driven off the right side of the roadway. It was returned to the roadway and traveled off the left side when the accident occurred. Bethel Tate EMS transported the youth to Clermont Mercy before he was charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control. Nicholsville towed the pickup.

Accidents that occurred on wet roads in 2011 amounted to 18,544. In Tate, Clermont, Ohio, in 2011, the population was 8,935; there were 57 injury crashes, which resulted in 103 injuries. In Ohio in 2010 accidents that occurred on the roadside amounted to 27,047, of which 8,918 resulted in injuries. Those accidents which involved improper lane change were 3,823 which caused injuries, while those which involved ditches were 2,251 which resulted in injuries. The accident involved a tree, in Ohio in 2010; there were 1,483 accidents which involved a tree which resulted in injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a Tate, Pierce or Batavia, Ohio, area accident, please call the Clermont County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.