City: Perry, Ohio
County: Allen, Ohio
Date of Accident: August 3, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Chevrolet / 1999 Ford Taurus
Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a crash that occurred on State Route 309 in Perry, Allen, Ohio and resulted in injuries for a 21 year old woman. On August 3, 2013 at approximately 12:00 pm police reports state that a 16 year old girl was driving a 2006 Chevy midsize car west on State Route 309, while a 22 year old man, Evan Shane Wantland was driving a 1999 Ford Taurus midsize car east on the same road. The driver of the Chevy attempted to turn left and was allegedly struck by the driver of the Ford. The injured woman, who was an occupant of the Ford, went to Lima Memorial by himself. The driver and two other occupants, Alyanna Wantland and Lindsay Wantland 3, were not injured. The driver of the Chevy was charged.
Angle crashes that caused injuries last year were 20,509. Perry, Allen, Ohio, had a population of 3,620; there were 53 injury crashes that occurred and resulted in 76 injuries. Accidents that occurred in 2010 which involved drivers’ failure to yield accounted for 12,165, which resulted in injuries in 2010. Mid size, vehicles that were involved in accidents in 2011 were 41,253 of 158,786, which caused injuries. Accidents which occurred when it was clear amounted to 42,440 which resulted in injuries. Accidents which occurred on the roadway amounted to 59,706 which resulted in injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident in the Bath, American or Perry, Ohio, area, please call the Allen County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.