City: Chester, Ohio
County: Clinton, Ohio
Date of Accident: July 25, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Kia Optima
A 58 year old woman sustained injuries when her car struck a deer in Chester, Clinton, Ohio, on July 25, 2013 at approximately 3:55 am. Based on reports received from the OSHP, a 2007 Kia Optima midsize car was being driven by the woman, west on State Route 73. Her vehicle allegedly struck the deer as it attempted to cross the roadway from the south to the north. She was treated at the scene by Chester Township EMS. AAA towed the car.
Accidents which involved animals in Ohio in 2010 amounted to 1,156, with 794 which involved a deer, all these resulted in injuries. In Chester, Clinton, Ohio, in 2011, the population was 1,771; there were 24 injury crashes, which resulted in 40 injuries. Crashes that occurred when it was dark not lighted were 479 that resulted in injuries. Mid size, vehicles that were involved in accidents in 2011 were 41,253 of 158,786, which caused injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a Vernon, Chester or Adams, Ohio, area, please call the Clinton County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.