Pickup Overturns and Injures 29 Y-O Man in Hocking, Ohio

City: Ward, Ohio
County: Hocking, Ohio
Date of Accident: April 14, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1997 Ford F150

A pickup that was being driven by a 29 year old man in Ward, Hocking, Ohio, struck a ditch, overturned and caused injuries which led to his being transported by Medflight to OSU. On April 14, 2013 at approximately 10:50 am, police reported that the man was driving his pickup south on State Route 216. He allegedly drove off the right side of the roadway, overcorrected and the pickup slid off the roadway where it struck a ditch. The vehicle overturned and rested onto its top. Doc’s towed the pickup and the man was charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control.

In 2011, the population of Ward, Hocking Ohio was 1,937; they suffered 12 injury crashes, which resulted in 15 injuries. Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2011 were 4, 778 that caused injuries. Accidents in which vehicles struck ditches amounted to 2,164, which caused injuries in 2011. Those crashes that involved pickups were 14,518 that caused injuries. Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. Accidents that were not a collision of two vehicles in transport were 22,448 in 2011.

If you’ve been injured in a Benton, Ward, or Logan, Ohio, areas accident, please call the Hocking County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.