Tag Archives: Truck Accidents

Know how to handle a lawsuit after a semi truck crashes into you

Know how to handle a lawsuit after a semi truck crashes into you

In our previous blog post, we discussed the dangers that fatigued truckers pose. These truckers can turn their vehicles into deadly weapons if they aren’t driving in a safe manner. For the people who are injured in accidents caused by fatigued driving, the reason for the fatigue is usually inconsequential. We know that your life…

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Fatigued truckers can cause serious crashes

Fatigued truckers can cause serious crashes

Truckers must ensure that they are well-rested before they get behind the wheel of those large vehicles. When a trucker is fatigued, even the most experienced trucker can do something that causes an accident. These accidents can lead to serious injuries and death. Some people think that trucker fatigue is caused by the trucker not…

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Highway accidents are all too common

Highway accidents are all too common

As you make your way through the state of Ohio, there is a good chance that you will find yourself on a highway at some point. As you drive down the road, often in excess of 70 miles per hour, don’t be surprised if you come across an accident scene. Unfortunately, highway accidents are all…

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How does weather impact the road?

How does weather impact the road?

If you have spent any amount of time as a driver, regardless of the vehicle type, you know one thing to be true: Weather conditions are not always ideal. When the weather takes a turn for the worse, it is important to make changes that will keep you and those around you safe. Truckers, in…

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Truckers should follow these tips when driving in the snow

Truckers should follow these tips when driving in the snow

Truckers are always in a hurry. They need to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to meet deadlines and provide a high level of service, this often comes at the expense of others. When truck drivers run into inclement weather, they have one…

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How to handle a public transportation accident

How to handle a public transportation accident

While some people spend their time driving a motor vehicle, others rely on public transportation. Just the same as any type of vehicle, there is a chance you could be involved in an accident. Public train and bus accidents, for instance, are not common, but these do happen from time to time. If you rely…

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The challenges of a truck accident claim

The challenges of a truck accident claim

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute, approximately 10 percent of highway deaths occur in an accident involving a large truck. As you drive a passenger vehicle on the highway, you will find yourself in close proximity to trucks at all times. Not only do you need to drive with…

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The importance of a truck accident investigation

The importance of a truck accident investigation

If you are injured in a truck accident, you need to focus all of your energy on your health and recovery. There is nothing more important than this. Even so, it is important to also understand your legal rights. While you have your side of the story, the trucking company is likely to come up…

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By ignoring hours-of-service rules, truck and bus drivers put you at risk

By ignoring hours-of-service rules, truck and bus drivers put you at risk

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each year driver fatigue is the direct cause of an estimated 100,000 auto accidents, resulting in 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths. And that is a conservative estimate. While drowsy driving is always dangerous, drowsy driving on the part of a truck driver or bus driver can be…

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Common causes of serious truck accidents

Common causes of serious truck accidents

Whether we like it or not (and most of us don’t like it), we are asked to share roads and highways with large trucks. At best, these giant vehicles make it difficult to see other cars on the road and difficult to maneuver through traffic. At worst, semi-trucks can cause or contribute to serious and…

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