Common Brain Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, it is important to contact an Ohio motorcycle injury lawyer as soon as possible. Most motorcycle accidents tend to be serious and can alter your life forever. The general public has a bad perception of motorcyclists and that can work against you when trying to receive compensation from insurance companies. For this reason, you need to secure the best possible motorcycle accident lawyer that you can to be properly compensated.

If you have been in a motorcycle accident and have suffered from a brain injury, contact the Chester Law Group today at 800-218-4243 and let us help you with your Personal Injury Settlement.


Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Do you ride a motorcycle? Motorcycle accidents are among some of the most serious accidents. It is reported that 80% of these types of accidents result in traumatic brain injury or wrongful death, whereas only 20% of car accidents end up that way. Given that you have little protection on the road, it is important that you wear helmets, gloves, boots, and leather to reduce the seriousness of your injuries. Unfortunately, motorcyclists get a bad rap and are often blamed for accidents that they are not at fault for.  

Lawyer for Motorcycle Accidents in Ohio

Ohio residents injured in motorcycle accidents should reach out to Chester Law Group to seek compensation for their damages.

There is definitely a bias from the public about bikers and this can cost you dearly. You need to get the best legal counseling as soon as possible so that you are properly compensated for your losses. That means you need a motorcycle injury lawyer who is well experienced in these types of accidents. 

Given a negative public bias placed on motorcyclists, insurance companies know that a jury will likely find at least some fault with the biker. They play on the public bias to work in their favor. This will work against you in terms of winning your case or end up reducing their liability to you. For these reasons, you need a well-experienced motorcycle injury lawyer by your side. Motorcycle accidents can be debilitating and life-altering with serious body and brain trauma. Trying to get your insurance company to pay for your short-term and long-term care can be difficult. We need to take a look at the most serious injuries commonly reported that may require medical attention for many years to come.


Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Closed Head Injuries

This means that there is no outer wound to the head. The damage is internalized.  These injuries are also referred to as traumatic brain injury (TBI), brain stem injury, and subdural hematoma. If these injuries are serious, death is inevitable. These injuries are often misdiagnosed because the symptoms don’t show up right away.

Trauma Pain

This is an injury or wound that has been caused by an external force. If you have a minor cut or bruise it is considered minor trauma pain. On the other hand, if you have a major broken bone, spinal cord injury, and/or brain injury then it is classified as severe trauma pain. Depending on the severity of these injuries it may be possible for recovery but only after months to years of medical care.

Psychiatric Trauma

If the motorcycle accident was extremely traumatic, the individual may end up with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These individuals often relive their accidents over and over again on a daily basis. This disease is treatable but many insurance companies don’t cover this medical cost. You will need to have a professional motorcycle injury lawyer to help you get compensation for the cost of this therapy.

Bone Injuries

These are very common in motorcycle accidents and include fractured and broken bones. This area also includes damage to your muscles, torn ligaments, and damaged tendons.

Spinal and Brain Injuries

These injuries are usually serious and may cost the accident victim their life.  You may be left with partial or complete paralysis. This is a life-altering phenomenon and will have a great impact on the victim as well as their family. The medical costs can be overwhelming. You definitely need a motorcycle injury lawyer to help you with this to make sure you receive adequate compensation.           

Traumatic Brain Injury Stages

If you have traumatic brain injury (TBI), there is a progression of symptoms that occur. Identifying these symptoms is important for two reasons. First, to make sure you receive the treatment you need at the time it will make the most impact on your health. Second, the documented medical evidence explains to a jury why you are having medical problems and why you should be compensated for these problems.

There are generally three successive stages that develop.


Severe cases of TBI result in a coma which is a loss of consciousness. A coma can be for a short period of time or can persist for weeks, months, or years. The longer the person is unconscious, the greater the chances are the damage will be permanent. Do not confuse this with a concussion. A concussion is a short loss of consciousness caused by a blow to the head/back of the neck region that might last a few seconds to minutes.

Post-Traumatic Amnesia

Once you have progressed to a responsive stage, you have reached the post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) stage. At this stage, you are responding to questions you are asked however, you are confused and may have short-term memory loss. You are somewhat in a daze.


Once you begin holding on to information, you’re on your way to recovering from post-traumatic amnesia. If you are asked what year it is or who is president, you are able to respond accurately. At this point, you know where you are and why you are in the hospital. The recovery phase varies depending on the areas of the brain that are damaged. Initially, recovery progresses quickly, but then slows down over months and years until a recovery peak has been achieved.

How well you are able to recover from your motorcycle accident not only depends on the severity of your injuries, but also on your age and sex. Traumatic brain injuries occur twice as often in men than in women. If you are between the ages of 15 and 24 or older than 75, you have a higher risk. Also, motorcycle, truck, car and pedestrian accidents account for more than 50% of the traumatic brain injuries.

Consult a Local Brain Injury Lawyer Today

If you have been seriously hurt in an Ohio motorcycle accident and someone else is to blame, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your traumatic brain injuries. These types of accidents often involve long-term medical care, so you need to consider the costs of continued medical care and your household bills if you lose your ability to earn wages in the future.

The Chester Law Group is an Ohio personal injury law firm experienced in motorcycle accidents involving traumatic brain injury and can guide you through the personal injury claim process. It is important that you consult with an attorney and do not rely on your doctor for advice. Your personal injury lawyer will advise you every step of the way.

Call the attorneys at Chester Law Group today at 800-218-4243 to get the help you want from people that you can trust.