When you are involved in a car accident, you might go through a period of shock. The situation might seem unreal and you may have trouble remembering exactly what you should do. If this occurs, you should take a few moments to gather your thoughts so that you can make sure you are handling the situation correctly.
The first thing you should do is determine if you or anyone else is injured. If there are injuries, contact emergency services right away. The police need to come out and you may need to ask for an ambulance. If anyone does need medical care, it is crucial that they get it quickly.
If you aren’t injured and are able, try to get the contact and identifying information for the other driver. You can also get the information from witnesses who are willing to give their information.
As you are speaking to people, be sure that you don’t admit any fault for the accident. Even saying you are sorry that someone was injured might possibly be considered an admission of fault. Be sure that you take how things might be construed into account as you speak.
You will need to notify your insurance company about the accident. The same thing applies then — don’t admit fault for the accident. If adjusters or anyone else contacts you, be sure to provide accurate information. Alternatively, you can have anyone who needs to speak to you about the accident contact your attorney. If the accident was the other driver’s fault, you can learn about your options to seek compensation.
Source: FindLaw, “After a Car Accident: First Steps,” accessed Nov. 17, 2016