How is brain swelling treated?

A head injury can be the result of many circumstances, such as a slip and fall incident or a car accident.

There are many types of brain injuries, with swelling a common side effect. If you have hit your head, such as in a car accident, it is important to be examined by a qualified medical professional. While you may feel okay immediately following the accident, brain swelling can occur over time.

Treatment for brain swelling comes down to one thing: making sure that the swelling is relieved as soon as possible. This can be achieved in a number of ways, including both surgical and medical treatments.

Treatment for brain swelling often includes:

— Oxygen therapy. By providing oxygen through a respirator, there is no guesswork as to whether or not the blood has enough oxygen.

— IV fluids. Administering fluids through an IV can prevent a person’s blood pressure from dipping too low. It also helps ensure that the brain receives enough blood.

— Medication. There are cases in which the use of medication can help treat brain swelling.

— Lowering the body’s temperature. Not only does this relieve swelling, but it goes a long way in giving the brain the opportunity to heal. While not used often, it is a treatment that has been proven effective.

These are just a few of the many ways that brain swelling can be treated. While you never want to find yourself in need of treatment for this type of injury, it is good to know that there are options that have helped others recover.

Source: Web MD, “Brain Swelling,” accessed March 21, 2016