Rear End Crash Injures Couple in Williams, OH.

City: Bryan, Ohio
County: Williams, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 15, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2001 Pontiac AZT / 2012 Chrysler 200

A 31 year old man, Zachary Allen Kolbe and 22 year old woman, Megan S. Kolbe were injured in an accident that occurred on February 15, 2014 at approximately 8:15 pm. According to reports from the Ohio State Highway Patrol, a 2012 Chrysler 200 midsize car was being driven by a 52 year old man and was stopped at Butler Street and South Main Street at the red light. Kolbe, who was the driver of a 2001 Pontiac SUV, was traveling on the same road and allegedly did not stop. The SUV struck the car. Both were taken by other means to Bryan Hospital. Three children who were occupants, Rozzlyn Kolbe 5, Conrad Trinity 8 and Cereqhin Ryland 1, were not injured. The driver of the Chrysler was charged and John’s towed the car.

In Bryan, Williams, Ohio, in 2012, the population was 8,333; there were 36 injury crashes which resulted in 50 injuries. Those accidents, which involved a traffic signal in 2010, were 14,038, which resulted in injuries. Mid-size, vehicles that were involved in accidents in 2011 were 41,253 of 158,786, which caused injuries. Accidents in which drivers failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead were 19,191 in 2012. Rear end crashes in 2012 were 22,227 that resulted in injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a Center, Bloom or Brady, Ohio, accident, please call the Williams County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.