City: Liberty, Ohio
County: Van Wert, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 17, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1998 Buick Center
A 1998 Buick Center midsize car that was being driven by a 64 year old man of Rockford, Ohio, was involved in a crash that occurred in Liberty, Van Wert, Ohio, on February 17, 2014 at approximately 12:45 am. Police reported that the Buick was being driven south on State Route 118, when it allegedly struck a patch of snow on the roadway. It spun off the left side of the roadway and struck a power pole. The man was treated at the scene and charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control.
In Ohio in 2010, accidents, which occurred on shoulder, amounted to 9,141, of which 2,371 resulted in injuries. Liberty had a population of 1,696. In Ohio in 2012, Liberty, Van Wert, Ohio suffered 5 injury crashes, which resulted in 9 injuries. Accidents that caused injuries and involved utility poles were 1,619. Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2012 were 4,031 that caused injuries. There were 1,658 injury crashes that occurred on icy roads in 2011.
If you’ve been injured in a Washington, Liberty, or York, Ohio, accident, please call the Van Wert County, Ohio car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.