City: Hopewell, Ohio
County: Perry, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 14, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1996 Chevrolet / 1998 Nissan Pathfinder
Ohio State Highway Police were dispatched to the scene of a crash that caused injuries for a 40 year old woman, Toni A. Payne in Hopewell, Perry, Ohio on February 14, 2014 at approximately 9:10 pm. Reports are that a 1996 Chevy full size car that was being driven by the woman was illegally parked on State Route 757 facing north. An 18 year old woman, Evan R. Schultz of Glenford, Ohio, was driving a 1998 Nissan Pathfinder SUV, north on the same road and allegedly failed to maintain an assured clear distance and struck the Chevy from behind. Payne was treated at the scene and an occupant of the SUV, 21 year old Branden D. Ours was not injured.
Accidents that were rear end crashes in 2012 were 22,227 of 82,589 in Ohio. In Hopewell, Perry, Ohio, in 2012 there were 14 injury crashes with 17 that resulted in injuries. The population of Hopewell then, was 2,163. SUVs in injury crashes were 22,889 in 2011. Accidents that were caused by snow on the road and resulted in injuries were 3,326 in Ohio, in 2012. Accidents in which drivers failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead were 19,191 in 2012. There were 64 accidents which resulted in injuries in which vehicles were stopped or parked illegally.
If you’ve been injured in a Thorn, Hopewell or Pike, Ohio, accident, please call the Perry County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.