Two Men Injured in Harrison, Ohio, as Pickup Strikes Guardrail

City: Cadiz Township, Ohio
County: Harrison, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 6, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2006 Dodge Q15 / 1995 Dodge Q15

A 25-year-old man of Carrollton, Ohio, and a 21 year old man of Cadiz, Ohio, sustained injuries in a crash that occurred in Cadiz Township, Harrison, Ohio, on February 6, 2014 at approximately 7:05 am. Reports from the police are that 25 year old Cory J. Turkovich was driving a 2006 Dodge Q150 pickup, east on Federal Highway 22. The 21 year old man was driving a 1995 Dodge Q150 pickup, west on the same road. The driver allegedly drove his vehicle left of the center of the roadway and struck the 2006 pickup, which then went off the right side of the road and struck the guardrail. Turkovich sought medical treatment for his injuries, while the younger man was transported by Stat Medevac to UPMC. Westfall’s and Sickle’s towed the vehicles.

Accidents which occurred at dawn and when it was cloudy were 1,243 at dawn and 18,575 for cloudy. Cadiz Township, Harrison, Ohio whose population in 2012 was 3,639 suffered 6 injury crashes, which resulted in 7 injuries. Accidents, which involved pickup trucks in 2010, were 14,862, which caused injuries. Head-on collisions, which occurred in Ohio in 2010, amounted to 3,096 that resulted in injuries. Accidents that involved guardrail ends were 343, while those accidents that involved guardrail faces were 1,207 which resulted in injuries, in the category of first harmful event in unit of error.

If you have been injured in a Moorefield, Green, or Athens car accident, please call the Harrison County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.