City: Liberty, Ohio
County: Highland, Ohio
Date of Accident: February 9, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 200 Ford F150 / 2007 Chevrolet KTA
A crash that occurred on State Route 73 in Liberty, Highland, Ohio, resulted in fatal injuries for a 46 year old woman, Nancy E. Rackett of New Vienna, Ohio, and injuries for two other people; a 26 year old woman, Nicole Kassady Jodrey of Winchester, Ohio, and a 17 year old girl, Sara D. Dinsmore. Police reports on February 9, 2014 at approximately 9:22 am are that a 2000 Ford f150 pickup was being driven by Rackett, south on State Route 73. a 2007 Chevy SUV was headed north, being driven by Jodrey on the same road. The pickup allegedly began to fishtail, slid left of the center of the road and struck the SUV that was headed north. All three were transported by Paint Township EMS to Highland District Hospital. Wilson’s towed the pickup.
Those, which were angle crashes, were 20,409, which resulted in injuries in 2011. Liberty, Highland, Ohio, had 3 fatal crashes of 144 and 36 injury crashes, which resulted in 49 injuries. Liberty had a population of 9,798 in 2012. Accidents, which involved pickup trucks in 2010, were 14,862, which caused injuries. There were 100 fatal crashes in which drivers drove left of the center of the road in 2010. Accidents that were caused by snow on the road and resulted in injuries were 3,326 in Ohio, in 2012.
If you’ve been injured in a Liberty, Jackson, or Paint, Ohio, areas please call the Highland County, Ohio, wrongful death attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.