City: Bratenahl, Ohio
County: Cuyahoga, Ohio
Date of Accident: January 5, 2014
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Dodge Avalon
Cleveland EMS # 40 transported a 26 year old woman, Ashley Wassily of Huron, Ohio, to Metro Hospital for injuries that she received in a crash that occurred on January 5, 2014 at approximately 1:20 pm. According to police reports, the woman was traveling on Eddy Road in Bratenahl, Cuyahoga, Ohio, when she allegedly lost consciousness for no apparent reason. The car crossed both lanes of travel and struck a concrete construction barrier. St. Clair towed the car.
In 2010 there were 1,262 injury crashes which were work zone related and 179 which involved construction barricades. Bratenahl, Cuyahoga, Ohio, had a population of 1,337 residents in 2012; they suffered 43 injury crashes that resulted in 57 injuries. Accidents which were as a result of other improper actions were 527 which caused injuries. There were a total of 2,651 accidents which involved median barriers with 830 which resulted in injuries. Accidents that occurred on wet roads in 2011 amounted to 18,544.
If you’ve been injured in a Bedford, Bratenahl or Morgan, Ohio, accident, please call the Cuyahoga County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.