21 Year Old Woman Charged in Butler OH, Rear End Crash

City: Westchester, Ohio
County: Butler, Ohio
Date of Accident: December 27, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2003 Ford Explorer 2 / 1995 Toyota Camry

A crash that was allegedly caused by a driver’s failure to maintain an assured clear distance ahead occurred in the afternoon of December 27, 2013 and resulted in injuries for a 39 year old woman, May Ann Harrison of Trenton, Ohio. According to reports from the Highway Patrol two vehicles, a 2003 Ford Explorer SUV and a 1995 Toyota Camry midsize car were headed south on Interstate 75. Harrison, who was the driver of the SUV stopped in traffic and was allegedly rear ended by the car. Two other occupants of the SUV were not hurt, while the injured woman was transported by West Chester EMS to West Chester Hospital. The driver of the car was charged.

Compact cars were involved in 18,796 injury crashes in 2011. In Westchester, Butler Ohio, in 2012, there were 387 injury crashes that resulted in 537 injuries. The population of Liberty was 54,895. Accidents in which drivers failed to maintain an assured clear distance ahead were 18,889 in 2011. Those accidents which were rear end crashes were 22,090 which resulted in injuries of a total of 81,145. SUVs that were involved in injury crashes were 22,889 in 2011.

If you’ve been injured in a Liberty, Lemon or Monroe, Ohio, area, please call the Butler County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.