3 Injured in Putnam, Ohio, Car/Pickup Crash

City: Riley, Ohio
County: Putnam, Ohio
Date of Accident: December 28, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2007 Toyota Corolla / 1991 Ford F150

A 1991 Ford F150 pickup that allegedly failed to stop at the posted stop sign was struck by a car in the right front side and caused injuries for three people in Riley, Putnam, Ohio, on December 28, 2013 at approximately 6:34 pm. Police reports are that a 2007 Toyota Corolla midsize car was being driven by 30 year old Philip T. Sclundt-Bodien of Galloway, Ohio, west on State Route 12. The pickup was being driven by a 59 year old man of Columbus, Ohio, north on State Route 696 when the accident occurred. Schlundt-Bodien and an occupant of his vehicle, 30 year old Ashley M. Schlundt-Bodien were transported by St. Vincent’s Life Flight Helicopter to St. Vincent’s Hospital. The driver of the pickup was transported by Putnam County EMS to St. Rita’s. DAB towed the car.

Stop signs were a contributing factor in 7,331 injury crashes in Ohio in 2010. In 2012, Riley, Putnam, Ohio, whose population was 2,191, suffered 6 injury crashes which resulted in 7 injuries. Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. Those which were angle crashes were 21,458 which resulted in injuries in 2010. In Ohio in 2010 the total amount of accidents which occurred as a result of drivers who ran red light or stop sign was a total of 11,162 with 4,527 which resulted in injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a Union, Riley or Jackson, Ohio, area accident, please call the Putnam County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law at 800-218-4243.