City: Butler, Ohio
County: Richland, Ohio
Date of Accident: October 5, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1992 Volvo 940
A 53 year old man and a 9 year old boy, both of Norwalk, Ohio, sustained injuries in an accident that occurred in Butler, Richland, Ohio, on Saturday October 5, 2013 at approximately 4:12 pm police reported. The reports went on to say that a 1992 Volvo 940 SUV was being driven by the man, north on State Route 13. The driver allegedly fell asleep and the vehicle crossed the centerline. It traveled off the left side of the roadway, struck a ditch, went through a cornfield and rested in the ditch off the left side of the roadway. The man and the boy, Joshua Grimes, who was an occupant, were transported by Shiloh Fire EMS to Med Central Mansfield and the man charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control. Harringer’s towed the SUV.
Accidents which were as a result of other improper actions were 527 which caused injuries. In Butler, Richland in 2012, the population was 1,386; of a total of 1 crash, 7 resulted in injuries. Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. Accidents in which vehicles struck ditches amounted to 2,164, which caused injuries in 2011. In Ohio in 2010, accidents, which occurred and were not a collision of two vehicles in transport amounted to 23,253, which caused injuries. In Ohio in 2010 accidents that occurred on the roadside amounted to 27,047, of which 8,918 resulted in injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a Butler, Weller or Monroe, Ohio, area accident, please call the Richland County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group Co., at 800-218-4243.