City: Jefferson, Ohio
County: Madison, Ohio
Date of Accident: October 3, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2008 Chevrolet Silverado.
Traffic halted on the afternoon commute on County Route 148 in Jefferson, Madison, Ohio, on October 3, 2013 following a crash that occurred and resulted in injuries for a 17 year old youth who was treated at the scene by Jefferson Township 251. Reports from the police are that the youth was driving a 2008 Chevy Silverado pickup south on County Route 148. He allegedly crossed the centerline and traveled off the left side of the roadway. The vehicle struck a culvert and a utility pole. He was subsequently charged with operating his vehicle without reasonable control.
Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2011 were 4, 778 that caused injuries. In 2011, Jefferson, Madison, in Ohio had a population of 6,935, suffered a total of 29 injury crashes, with 40 that resulted in injuries. Accidents, which involved pickup trucks in 2010, were 14,862, which caused injuries. Those accidents which involved culverts were 394, these resulted in injuries. Accidents, which saw vehicles striking utility poles, were 2,936 in 2011. Accidents that occurred on wet roads in 2011 amounted to 18,544.
If you’ve been injured in a Range, Darby or Jefferson, Ohio, area accident, please call Chester Law Group, the Madison County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at 800-218-4243.