City: Benton, Ohio
County: Hocking, Ohio
Date of Accident: October 3, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2003 Nissan Pathfinder
A 3 year old boy, Noah A. Deeter, sustained injuries in an accident that occurred in Benton, Hocking, Ohio, and was transported by Hocking Valley EMS to Hocking Valley Hospital on October 3, 2013 at approximately 5:56 pm. Reports from the OSHP are that a 2003 Nissan Pathfinder SUV was being driven by a 24 year old woman of Bloomingville, Ohio, north on State Route 374, when she allegedly lost control in a left curve. The SUV went off the left side of the road where it struck a ditch and overturned. The boy, along with another child, Rylee L. Deeter was an occupant. She was charged with operating her vehicle without reasonable control. The SUV was towed by other means than a wrecker.
The accident involved a 3 year old male child; motor vehicle crashes injured 8,329 children through age 14 in 2010. In 2010, the population of Benton, Hocking Ohio was 874; they suffered 11 injury crashes, which resulted in 21 injuries. Accidents that occurred on wet roads in 2011 amounted to 18,544. Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2011 were 4, 778 that caused injuries. The accident involved a SUV; in Ohio in 2010 there were 22,261 for sport utility vehicles, which resulted in injuries.
If you were injured in a Benton, Perry, or Logan, Ohio, area accident, please call the Hocking County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.