City: Chippewa, Ohio
County: Wayne, Ohio
Date of Accident: August 5, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1977 Yamaha / 2005 Ford Focus
A 26-year-old man of Barberton, Ohio, who allegedly failed to stop at a stop sign, sustained injuries when his motorcycle crashed. The accident occurred on August 5, 2013, at approximately 11:22 am according to police reports. The reports further stated that the man was headed east on County Route 150 at the time of the crash. A 70-year-old man, Joseph E. Druga, also of Barberton, Ohio, was driving a 2005 Ford Focus compact car north on State Route 21 in the right lane and had a green light, while the motorcycle driver had a red light. Both vehicles collided and ejected the drivers. The younger man was transported by Norton City EMS to Akron General, then charged. Jeffries towed both vehicles.
Motorcycle accidents were 3,430 which resulted in injuries. In 2011, Chippewa, Wayne, Ohio, whose population was 10,085, suffered 55 injury crashes, which resulted in 74 injuries. Those accidents, which were angle crashes, were 21,458, which resulted in injuries in 2010. In Ohio, in 2010 the total amount of accidents which occurred as a result of drivers who ran a red light or stop sign was a total of 11,162 with 4,527 which resulted in injuries. Those accidents, which involved a traffic signal in 2010, were 14,038, which resulted in injuries.
If you’ve been injured in a Green, Chippewa or Clinton, Ohio, area accident, please call the Wayne County, Ohio, attorneys at Cleveland injury attorneys at 800-218-4243.