City: Bratton, Ohio
County: Adams, Ohio
Date of Accident: August 11, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier
An accident occurred in Bratton, Adams Ohio on State Route 73 on Sunday August 11, 2013 at 3:35 pm and caused injuries to a 24 year old woman, Nicole. M. Fields of Hillsboro, Ohio, and a 19 year old man, Seth. C. Henderson. Both were occupants of a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier compact car. Reports from the police are that a 22 year old woman was driving the Chevy motor vehicle west on State Route 73. The car allegedly traveled off the right side of the roadway, while attempting to negotiate a right curve and struck a ditch. The injured woman and man were transported by Peebles EMS to Adams County Regional. An occupant of the pickup, 1 year old Colton .A. Sanderson was not injured. The driver was charged and Larry’s towed the vehicle.
Accidents that occurred in 2010 which involved compact cars were 19,214 which caused injuries. Bratton, Adams, Ohio, had a population of 1,412 in 2011. Total amount of injury crashes were 6, with 7 that resulted in injuries. Accidents that were not a collision of two vehicles in transport were 22,448 in 2011. Crashes that were caused by drivers traveling at unsafe speed in 2011 were 4, 778 that caused injuries. Accidents in which vehicles struck ditches amounted to 2,164, which caused injuries in 2011.
If you’ve been injured in a Bratton, Monroe or Liberty, Ohio, area accident, please call the Adams County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.