SUV Rear End Crash Injures Two in Holmes, Ohio

City: Millersburg, Ohio
County: Holmes, Ohio
Date of Accident: May 15, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 2013 Ford Explorer / 2010 Dodge

Two SUVs crashed in Millersburg, Holmes, Ohio, and caused injuries to two people on May 15, 2013 at approximately 12:50 pm, according to police reports. The reports further stated that a 30-year-old woman of Warsaw, Ohio was driving a 2013 Ford Explorer SUV north on S.Washington Street and stopped in traffic for the red light at the intersection of Glen Drive. A 53-year-old woman, Mary J. Salisbury of Millersburg, Ohio was driving a 2010 Dodge SUV in the same direction on the same road and allegedly failed to maintain an assured clear distance from the Dodge SUV. The driver of the Dodge struck the Ford in the rear. The driver of the Dodge and Eric C. Anderson 31, who was an occupant of the Dodge sustained injuries and both were treated at the scene. Finney’s towed the Dodge and the driver was cited.

Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. In 2011, Millersburg, Holmes, Ohio whose population was 3,326 suffered 19 injury crashes, which resulted in 26 injuries. The accident involved a SUV; in Ohio in 2010 there were 22,261 for sport utility vehicles, which resulted in injuries. Accidents that were rear end crashes in 2011 were 22,056 of 81,986 in Ohio. In the category of probable causes of crashes by contributing circumstances, there were 18,889 injury crashes that were caused because of drivers who failed to keep an assured clear distance head/ACDA.

If you’ve been injured in a Ripley, Millersburg, or Berlin, Ohio, areas accident, please call the Holmes County, Ohio, car accident attorneys at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.