City: Cambridge, Ohio
County: Guernsey, Ohio
Date of Accident: May 10, 2013
Type of Accident: Motor Vehicle Accident – 1996 Chevrolet Lumiere / 2004 Suzuki Verano
Two cars collided and caused injuries to two people, a woman and a man both aged 62 years old who were transported by United to SEORMC, after which the woman was charged. Reports from the police are that the man, Douglas A. Walker of Norwich, Ohio, was driving a 1996 Chevy Lumiere midsize car west on Federal Highway 22, when a 2004 Suzuki Verano midsize car that was being driven by the woman, allegedly pulled out from Fairdale Drive to go east on Federal Highway 22. The driver of the Chevy struck the Suzuki, then crossed the centerline and rested in the east lane. Danny’s towed the Chevy and B & B towed the Suzuki.
Accidents that occurred in 2010 which involved drivers’ failure to yield accounted for 12,165, while those, which were angle crashes, were 21,458, which resulted in injuries in 2010. Cambridge, Guernsey, Ohio whose population in 2011 was 15,505 suffered 60 injury crashes, which resulted in 103 injuries. Accidents that occurred and resulted in injuries when it was cloudy amounted to 19,791. There were 6,808 accidents that involved vehicles running stop signs in 2011.
If you’ve been injured in an Cambridge, Wheeling or Wills, Ohio, areas accident, please call the Guernsey County, Ohio, car accident lawyers at Chester Law Group at 800-218-4243.