Motorcycle accidents quite often do damage to the upper spinal cord in the cervical region. This tends to bring about long-term disabilities and severe pain. Recently, new techniques have been developed to repair herniated discs as well as remove scar tissue that is relatively noninvasive. North American Spine has developed the AccuraScope which is a noninvasive surgery for the lumbar region. They also have a minimally invasive procedure to treat problems in the cervical spine as well which is the topic of this article.
The cervical procedure is different from the AccuraScope procedure because the AccuraScope doesn’t reach up to the spinal cord beyond the lumber region. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, make sure you have a scan done immediately.
Make sure to contact a Motorcycle injury lawyer quickly as you may qualify for a Personal Injury Settlement. Contact us today if your accident was caused by the carelessness of another person. We have experienced motorcycle, car, or truck accident injury lawyers that will provide you with legal guidance. Call us today at 800-218-4243.
If you’ve been in a severe motorcycle accident, then no doubt you have brain/spinal cord injuries. These injuries create long-term disabilities and chronic pain. New technologies are being developed at an ever-increasing rate that can bring about relief quickly. North American Spine developed the AccuraScope for eliminating pain from the lumbar region. The first surgery was performed in January of 2009 with great success. This minimally invasive procedure can diagnose and treat inter-vertebral lumbar discs, spinal stenosis, scar tissue, and many other causes of back pain to reduce and cure your back pain. This is great if your problem is in the lumbar region. But what if you have upper back problems? North American Spine has also developed a new technique for the cervical spine region however, the procedure is very different.
If you are a patient who has neck pain with or without arm pain, weakness, numbness, and/or tingling then you might want to consider this new cervical procedure. Even though this is considered a minimally invasive surgery, you should have gone through more conservative treatments such as chiropractic therapies, physical therapy, and various pain medications as this is required by the medical community before any surgery can be performed.
Many cervical problems involve herniated discs that press on nerves generating pain requiring a discectomy. Initially, a discogram is performed as a diagnostic tool to determine if one or more discs in the cervical region are responsible for your pain experience. This diagnostic tool pressurizes discs by injecting a sterile dye to induce pain in discs that are damaged. The dye is injected with the aid of a hollow needle that is inserted through your skin into the center of a disc. A local anesthetic is used along with twilight sedation to make this comfortable. As more dye is injected, you may experience an increase in pain indicating you have a problem there. It is possible that you have dye leaking out of a disc as well. This will show up on an X-ray indicating that you have a ruptured disc. Now that it is know you have a problem with that disc, a laser is put down the hollow needle into the center of the disc and fired in the disc to shrink or seal a disc that is damaged. Multiple discs can be done up and down this region in succession. The hollow needle makes a small puncture wound that is easily covered by a Band-Aid. This procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete and you’re done. The patient can perform most activities right after the procedure. Physical therapy can begin within 1 to 2 weeks.
Discograms are really not about the anatomy (structure) of a disc but rather about the physiology (pain). The anatomy of a disc doesn’t always tell you what you need to know. It is known that a really abnormal looking disc may not be particularly painful, but a minimally disrupted disc can be associated with severe pain. So, a discogram is necessary to diagnose a painful disc. Quite often a discogram is performed separately when invasive surgeries are done. With the North American Spine minimally invasive cervical procedure, everything is done at the same time.
The advantages of a minimally invasive cervical procedure include:
- Use of a small hollow needle
- No incisions are required therefore no stitches which reduces the possibility of infection
- Multiple levels can be done as one procedure – other procedures require multiple procedures that are charged for separately
- Dye injection allows for clear viewing of the problem area
- Rapid recovery
If you’ve been in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident and your brain/spinal injury was caused by the carelessness of another person, you may be entitled to financial compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages.
These types of accidents often involve long-term inflammation and severe pain, so you need to consider continued medical care and loss of your ability to earn wages in the future.
Contact one of our Motorcycle Injury Lawyers today. We are experienced in car, truck and motorcycle accidents involving spinal/brain injuries, and we will guide you through a Personal Injury Settlement. It is important that you consult with an attorney before you attend a Defense Medical Exam (DME) and don’t ask the defense doctor for advice. Our Motorcycle Injury Lawyers will advise you every step of the way.
Call our motorcycle, car and truck accident and injury lawyers today to get the help you want from people that you can trust at 800-218-4243.